Joseph A. Aguerrebere Jr., president of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), joined National University to host its second annual reception to honor California's National Board Certified Teachers on Saturday, March 19 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at National University's administrative headquarters in La Jolla. The event was made possible with a grant from the State Farm Companies Foundation.
National Board Certification is accepted throughout the U.S. as the highest credential offered in the teaching profession. It is a voluntary process, requiring an extensive series of performance-based assessments that includes teaching portfolios, student work samples, videotapes and thorough analyses of each candidate's classroom teaching and student learning. The process can take from one to three years to complete.
"National Board Certified Teachers are leaders in every sense," said Rae Adams, director of the National University NBCT Support Center. "We organized this event to provide them with the recognition they deserve, and to encourage and support other teachers who endeavor to undertake the rigorous process."
Fewer than half of National Board Certification candidates achieve certification on their first attempt; nevertheless, most find it to be an invaluable experience. "Candidates tell us each year -- whether they achieve certification or not -- that pursuing National Board Certification is the best and most meaningful professional development of their careers," said Aguerrebere in an interview with Education World.
Last November NBPTS announced that 443 California teachers had achieved National Board Certification in 2004, bringing the statewide total to 3,081 – the most of any state in the country. Thirty-three of California's 443 National Board Certified teachers in 2004, or seven percent of the statewide total, were National University alumni.
"It is thrilling to know that more than 20,000 of America's finest teachers put their teaching accomplishments on the line this year to seek the rigorous National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification," said U.S. Representative Susan A. Davis, who spoke at the March 19 event. "Their willingness to submit their classroom skills to videotaping, self-reflective evaluation, and real situation testing truly proves that they are 'highly qualified teachers.' " Representative Davis also called upon the newly certified teachers to become involved politically to help spread the positive benefits that both students and teachers reap from the certification process.
To cap off the evening, Rae Adams, director of the National University NBCT Support Center, announced the expansion of the Center to sites in LA and Sacramento, and the launch of the newly formed California Association of National Board Certified Teachers. For more information about the California Association of National Board Certified Teachers or to become involved, contact Rae Adams at [email protected].