AP Literature and Composition A/B
Learning Outcomes
This advanced literature course will engage students in careful reading and analysis of a challenging set of literary works from a range of genres including the novel, short story, poetry, and drama. The focus of the course will be on intensive reading and discussion of the literature, as well introduce secondary critical essays for discussion and evaluation. Emphasis will be placed on thoughtful and cogent analysis of the readings using a variety of theoretical frameworks and devices.
The course is intended to provide students with an academic experience parallel to that of a college level literature course. This course will also include a writing component that focuses on expository, analytical and argumentative writing about the literature through both discussion and essay format. Students are expected to be active readers as they analyze and interpret textual detail, establish connections among their observations, and draw logical inferences leading toward an interpretive conclusion.
This course also prepares students who do all the coursework for the Advanced Placement Literature and Composition Exam administered each year. Students will read, write and discuss poetry, fiction, and drama at an advanced college level while using online resources to develop skills including sophisticated use of literary elements and terminology, close readings of various texts, creating, drafting, and editing college-level analytical essays, preparing and writing timed essays, and advanced use and mastery of standard English.
All courses are written to California Department of Education
standards and to national standards, as applicable.